Everything Zen -Massage & Wellness LLC
Massage, Doula, Education, Spirit
in Lincoln, NE and surrounding areas
Everything Zen
Massage & Wellness LLC
Mind, body, spirit integration through therapeutic massage. Energy work and targeted pain relief for a truly holistic massage experience. Craniofascial therapy for the whole family, especially tongue tied infants and neurodivergent children.
Postpartum and all-seasons life doula support, peer support for leaky gut healing, and navigating food intolerances in nursing babies.
Practical products for natural and magical living. Support groups, workshops, guidance and classes for whole family mind, body, and spiritual wellness.

Breathe, and just Be.
Welcome to Wellness
I am so glad you are here! You must be realizing that your body is telling you to slow down before you crash. Or maybe you've already crashed, and you need a hand back up? When you come to Everything Zen Massage & Wellness, you have gained a partner and cheerleader for your body and soul integration process! For myself, I knew I was making unhealthy choices with diet, stress, etc. but I didn't understand the gravity of the situation until my second baby had several severe food intolerances. At that point I understood how leaky my gut had become, and I went on an extensive journey to truly understand holistic healing.
From pain reliving bodywork to spiritual peer support, I am here to help you honor and care for yourself. I am especially passionate about the delicate and magical transition into motherhood, and I am honored to be a part of your new chapter. It truly takes a village, and holistic wellness of the individual depends on a vibrant and loving community! Welcome home!

The foundation of my bodywork practice is therapeutic massage. Focused on pain relief and the fascial web, my massage technique is intuitive and "hurts so good" for maximum therapeutic benefit, and combined with the energy to recharge or find peace as you need. Drink plenty of water and expect to feel like you hit the gym hard, but we can relieve chronic pains such as tech neck and low back or hip pains, and bring you the magic and intuitive healing you are looking for!
Combining work with the fascial web of the body with the craniosacral system for a unique "unwinding" experience. The fascial web is where we store our trauma, and CFT allows us to integrate trapped emotions keeping us stuck in old patterns, physically and emotionally.
I am trained to work with infants, and releasing tension in new babies through CFT can have a profound impact on their lives and nursing journey. I also love working with older neurodivergent kiddos!
This modality is different than massage, gentle and fully clothed for the whole family and all ages. Those with chronic head pressure, tongue ties, growing pains, post surgery recovery, cPSTD, TMJ and SI joint pains will greatly benefit. I highly recommend pairing CFT with mental health support when working through trauma.
Especially in this modern world, we need a village and often can't spontaneously create one when we need it. Doula services such as meal prep, light house cleaning, and therapeutic hugs for mothers and others needing a helping hand at home! I am a certified doula and have lots of job experience as a previous CNA and home health aide. Life events such as grief, surgery, or other heavy moments also need doula care, and I will bring dignity and grace to any transitional moment you need support.
Additionally, I offer intuitive spiritual support through oracle cards, smudge cleansing of body and home, charms, oils and traditional rootwork to support your spiritual journey.